The Process Select window is the heart of A/S from which most procedures and functions are selected. There are four main areas. In the middle left is a pop-up menu used to select the main process. Each main process displays a short message below the pop-up menu. Some also display additional controls below the pop-up menu which adjust certain parameters of the currently selected main process. When a number is required for the main process, a scrollbar is shown with a number to its left. Moving the scrollbar to the left reduces the number; moving it to the right increases the number; clicking on the number itself allows a specific number to be entered. In the middle right are a series of checkboxes listing various options that can be toggled on or off. At the bottom of the window are four more pop-up menus which control various options that have more than two possible settings. At the top is an area used to display the name of the current character remapping set and the total number of active replacement sets. Remapping sets that remap characters immediately after a line is read are italicized. The location of the Process Select window is remembered.